Linus (Stuart Hausmann)

Hello, friends! Our book today is Linus by Stuart Hausmann, a sweet story about the joys of diversity, and the possibilities we open by stepping out of line.

In the straight-laced city of Linneapolis, Linus just isn’t like the other rectangular inhabitants. While they all seem to favor grayscale colors, straight lines, and walling themselves off from the rest of the world, Linus can’t help but love shapes, colors, and finding reasons to celebrate. Feeling lonely due to his differences, he sadly decides to take off during the night and explore the colorful world outside of his city. He even finds new friends who understand his sense of style and perspective! But what happens when he starts to miss the ones he loves that are back home?

Simple yet sincere. While Hausmann’s plot feels a little familiar for the theme of bringing two worlds together while finding one’s place in it, the charm of the art and the nicely layered lesson on the benefits of cultural diversity – particularly during a time that it seems like one is desperately needed – make this a thoroughly satisfying read. I especially liked that it is made clear how much the citizens of Linneapolis love and care for Linus, even if his unique qualities put them outside their comfort zone. This detail makes for a smooth transition to building bridges (literally) with Linus’s more diverse friends, and shows that people who are averse to the new aren’t necessarily bad people; sometimes, they just need exposure and patience. Otherwise, the length is good for a storytime, and JJ and I enjoyed this one. Absolutely worth the read, and it’s Baby Bookworm approved!

(Note: A copy of this book was provided to The Baby Bookworm by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.)

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